#1 Key to Extraordinary Success 

We can learn a massive amount of knowledge through higher education, technical skills, time on the job and observation of others. However now we are in our own business or a leader in our workplace how do we keep ourselves fresh, connected and encouraged?

 MENTORS are the #1 key to extraordinary success, and great mentors are often hard to find. 

Proverbs 11:14 ” where no wise counsel is the people fall, but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” 

That is what is unique about Business Edge, we are a community of faith, in the marketplace who are changing our world by investing in one another. (sometimes one prayer request at a time!)

Every person who joins Business Edge is connected to a prayer request system, and effectively is connected to a powerful group of mentors.

A mentor has a deep personal interest__is personally involved__a friend who cares about you and your long term development. Mentoring is a power free, two-way mutually beneficial relationship.

At Business Edge we do this well.. coming alongside to encourage and draw out of you all that God saw when He called you to business !  Our greatest joy is to see you succeed to whatever level is your goal!

Also available are qualified “others”  in areas of business such as Accounting, Law, HR, Employment, Training, Sales, Social media, Life coaching, Team coaching, Design, Marketing, etc.etc. ( ahh the beauty of belonging to something bigger than ourselves!)

Here is a testimony from last week… I just want to say thanks for all you’ve done for us so far – I am feeling a lot more supported already. Thanks also for making me a more prayerful person, the prayer requests coming through have helped me to create a culture of prayer and a desire to see others doing well in their spheres of business.

Need a mentor? Call now  021956558

Mentor: denis@businessedge.org.nz

Business Edge:  https://businessedge.org.nz/join

“A MENTOR is more than a teacher. A teacher tells. A good teacher explains. A great teacher demonstarates__ But aMENTOR INSPIRES >> Tamara Lowe 

Believing with you this week as you do business in Jesus name  Kind regards Clarkie and Coralie