Blessings all round

A DEPENDABLE BLESSING “ALL ROUND” A well run business where the owner is a God fearing Christian is a wonderful “all round” blessing to its business community. The definition of well run being a measurable excellence in leadership (vision, purpose), finances, management, marketing, sales lead generation, sales lead conversion and client fulfilment (the seven centres…


Business Start-Up Wisdom from Biblical Entrepreneurs

Kingdom Business Life Cycle: Getting Ready for the Startup Phase   For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to…


Life Cycle of a Kingdom Business

  What does the life cycle of a Kingdom Business look like? Well the following excerpt from Christian business trainer, Patrice Tsague, gives us a good benchmark: “We know that God appoints different times and seasons in our individual lives, in nature, in nations, and in churches. Often cycles of seasons follow an observable pattern,…


Kingdom Business -Profit, People, Planet, Purpose

Kingdom Business .. Profit, Planet, People, Purpose As owners and leaders in Kingdom businesses our aim is to  bring greater impact and influence by working with a greater purpose and adding a  discernable difference, we can call it  the Quadruple bottom line –          Profit, Planet, People, and Purpose (eternal impact) . Although these four…


What stops you?

  Researchers conducted an experiment in which frogs were placed in separate glass jars covered with lids to prevent them from escaping. At first the frogs kept jumping, trying to escape, but each time they hit their heads on the lid. After thirty days of doing this, something amazing happened. When the lids were removed…


God speaks back

  Hi everyone, Welcome to another fantastic week for you and God to do business together and fulfill your kingdom assignment. I have been challenged lately on how we make decisions (we have a few big ones at present) and how we move on that answer. While reading a book recently called  “The Freedom Diaries”…


How Jacob built his wealth

 In the book of Genesis, we find Jacob, the grandson of a wealthy businessman. He has experience working with sheep — his grandfather, Abraham, made his money through the sheep and cattle business, and so did his father. Jacob is sent to his uncle, Laban, to get a wife. Laban is also an entrepreneur in…


FEAR–False Expectations Appearing Real

Fear is a horrible  thing and can be a big part of the landscape of life. Business people often live with a long list of fears. Great fear often precedes great reward. If left unattended it can paralyse us. The good news is that fear can be managed and overcome! Let’s firstly differentiate the fear…


What is Truth?

Yesterday we had an opportunity to hear apologist Brett Kunkle fromStand to Reason.  He spoke about tolerance and what that looks like from different perspectives. He also provided a few different tactics in defending our faith which were really insightful. He suggested that one of the most important questions we can ask, is “What is truth?”. This is…


Monday Morning Momentum 30 March 2015

Good Morning ! Something I’ve been thinking about lately – is what does it look like to have our lives built on Jesus? Not building our lives aroundJesus, but having Him as our central foundation. “Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:2 Chair Hillman Brown says: ”…
