
Fear is a horrible  thing and can be a big part of the landscape of life. Business people often live with a long list of fears. Great fear often precedes great reward. If left unattended it can paralyse us. The good news is that fear can be managed and overcome!

Let’s firstly differentiate the fear of 1. failure/loss (today’s topic) with 2. the fear of The Lord. The first definition relates to, for example, the possibility of current actual monthly sales being 50% down on current forecast monthly sales with the associated harmful causal effects on cashflow  and profitability. The second definition is directly related (in my view) to placing our relationship with God as paramount in our lives (including business life). For example,

“Jesus answered, ‘Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and most important commandment.” Matthew 22:37

Dale Carnegie in ‘How To Stop Worrying And Start Living’ stated 98% of our fears and worries are unfounded and amount to naught (0). I often (along with many other brothers and sisters of sound mind) experience this paradoxical truth. How stupid!!

In the early part of my life my dad farmed in New Zealand and later Australia. In farming there are many unpredictable components including fire, weather, markets, pests and diseases. I felt sad for my dad always starting his day with diarrhoea caused by fear leading to anxiety and worry. My dad (as far as I know) was not a believer in Christ and in the 1960’s there was virtually no help for fear sufferers who were non believers. However as a mature Christian I too can easily (from time to time) find myself in the devil’s jaws of fear (false expectations appearing real). There have been nights (too many) where I have awoken suddenly around2:30am to the darkness of overwhelming fear, despair and hopelessness and that I am going to be “laughed out of town”. Interestingly this deprecation always occurs when I have taken significant career changes and/or sizeable commercial risks . How do I manage to overcome and exit these debilitating situations?

• Refer (daily) to Proverbs 1:31, Matthew 6:25 – 34, Philippians 4:6,7. Also see https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/worry-and-anxiety-bible-verses/
• Read His Word and pray daily including 1 Chronicles 4:9 (Prayer of Jabez) particularly for others as well as my family and myself.
• See https://blog.dalecarnegie.com/tipsforsuccess/20-tips-on-overcoming-fear/
• Share my fears and seek prayer from my family, pastor and close confidants.
• Refer to Dale Carnegie’s ‘Stop Worrying And Start Living’ and Norman Vincent Peale’s ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’.

Extra resources including counselling directories: Australiahttps://www.beyondblue.org.au, New Zealandhttps://www.depression.org.nzhttps://www.thelowdown.co.nz, and/or your local General Practitioner.

“But whoever listens to me will have security. He will be safe, with no reason to be afraid” Proverbs 1:31


James Benjamin

Business Edge Perth & WA